Reading and writing activity #1 A cherooke tale

This is a tale of a boy who starts hunting and everyday his grandmother makes soup but tragically the grandmother is forced to dia an unfortunate death and the boy is instructed on how to keep feeding himself and everyone. The grandmother made her own food i believe that can represent how women are made out to be very caring and kind and especially how mothers can be sometimes in a metaphorical sense wear themselves out to feed their kids. In the end even though she is dead she still “lives on” through the planted corn. The way this relates to in real life is sort of similar. People live on even when theyre dead mostly trough memory and the things that they choose to leav behind for the world to see. That is an aspect of life. Even if we die we still live one and this story is a good interpretation of that fact. We must all make sure to leave something behind for the world to see so our memory can live on in their hearts forever.

The old woman shook her head sadly. “Grandson,” she said, “then I must get ready to leave you. Now
you know my secret I can no longer live with you as I did before. Before the sun rises tomorrow I shall be
dead. You must do as I tell you, and you will be able to feed yourself and the people when I have gone.”

This passage basically summarizes the whole story and explains the concept i brought up earlier. The grandmother wants to leave something behind for the world to see and for her grandson to remember her.

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