Why the owl has big eyes

A story made by someone that goes by IROQUOIS. A story of the being of creation granting all animals their wishes one how they look like so they are happy as they enter the world. The owl got bratty and started bothering the god while he was making the bunny and so the god got mad and punished the owl by making him look nothin like how he wanted and the bunny ended up half done too. The two main charavtes that get a personality are the owl and the god. The owl is very cocky and self obsessed while the god seems he runs out of patience quickly and has some big anger issues. Seems like it takes olace in a sort of realm before youre alive that determines how all the animals will look like. And the time mustve been simply millions and millions of years ago when the snimals where being formed. Overall its an interesting story to answer one simple question wether its real or not we dont know its still just a myth.

The old woman and the end of the world

This story is quite peculiar. We dont know anything about the woman yet were driven to feel empathetic toward her bwcause she does some very tiring wirk and she technically csn never finish it because of the dog but she dosent know that. At the same time we understand why the dog behaves this way and we probably would too since its stated that the world could end if she finishes her work. I think almost amy other domestic small animal couldve been chosen like a cat or a bunny. Since they simply need to be small enough to be able to take the quills out with acurracy and not ruin it. The dog is basically concerned and saves the world in the easiest way possible without harming the poor small old woman.

The Sioux people used to say that if the old woman ever finishes her blanket strip, then at the very moment that she threads the last porcupine quill to complete the design, the world will come to an end.

This is interesting to think about as just one simple myth could define something as complicated as the end og the world. Its quite interesting

Story native americsans

   In a slightly more advanced tribe of native americans there was an indian who invented storytelling and it didnt reallly cath anyones attention it just basically blew by everyone. One day everything was the same as usual, the native americans were off all doing their own thing but our protagonist found out that in most things he thought off became a reality if he wrote about a certain animal in the next few days something with that animal would happen and with each passing time it became more accurate and with less time in between. Suddenly he started writing scripts for different activities that he and others considered… abnormal bvecause they were very abstract but only a portion of what he wrote became true because it seems it could exactly defy nature… yet. At the same time his actual stories and presentation started getting some traction and getting recognized by others. Hed make peculiar stories like people suddenly getting attacked by their crops and at the same time other members started complaining that the food they grew always had a distinct and foul smell but then after a while it stopped. He decided to tell one of his closest confidants who by sheer luck was also the tribe shaman. They decided to try a small purification ritual because he didn’t want to keep feeling like he’s bringing bad luck to the tribe. They both went and performed it on our protagonists hands. Suddenly our protagonist felt numb and collapsed when he got up suddenly a small monkey was beside them and started complaining about how he’s missing a vessel to create his situations and use his power. The monkey started thrashing about and refused to cooperate and eventually left. WIth the crisis being averted they decided to try it one more time. The only problem was that now he struggled to think of stories and couldn’t really think of anything and then he got mad. Some time passed and he managed to write some stories again but it didn’t resonate all that well with people and overall they weren’t all that loved. He was bugged but he decided to keep trying cause he believed eventually he would make something great and he did. He decided to take inspiration from the monkey spirit he found and made a story about monkeys and it was a hit. He felt content but suddenly the spirit came  back with “revenge” and decided to bring more of his brethren and started to thrash about. Everyone was struggling and fighting but our protagonist had one idea and decided to make a story about other spirits fighting the monkeys and wouldn’t you know it. It became a reality and they managed to drive them off. After this event he decided to only write only to bring upon good fortune to the triber and everyone in it. And thnen at the end it was succesfull and he managed to bring prosperity until one day he got an alumni and everything changed… And END SCENE. Curtain call. Good job everyone it felt very real. I think this will be a hit.

Reading and writing activity #1 A cherooke tale

This is a tale of a boy who starts hunting and everyday his grandmother makes soup but tragically the grandmother is forced to dia an unfortunate death and the boy is instructed on how to keep feeding himself and everyone. The grandmother made her own food i believe that can represent how women are made out to be very caring and kind and especially how mothers can be sometimes in a metaphorical sense wear themselves out to feed their kids. In the end even though she is dead she still “lives on” through the planted corn. The way this relates to in real life is sort of similar. People live on even when theyre dead mostly trough memory and the things that they choose to leav behind for the world to see. That is an aspect of life. Even if we die we still live one and this story is a good interpretation of that fact. We must all make sure to leave something behind for the world to see so our memory can live on in their hearts forever.

The old woman shook her head sadly. “Grandson,” she said, “then I must get ready to leave you. Now
you know my secret I can no longer live with you as I did before. Before the sun rises tomorrow I shall be
dead. You must do as I tell you, and you will be able to feed yourself and the people when I have gone.”

This passage basically summarizes the whole story and explains the concept i brought up earlier. The grandmother wants to leave something behind for the world to see and for her grandson to remember her.


Literary quote #3

All happy familys are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

there are no clear signs that a family is happy or unhappy. Its not something easy to spot over just seeing on instant a family. I believe that is something one sees from getting close and small details and interactions. Everyone has their own diffeeent reasons or different variations of similar reasons for being unhappy.