Why the owl has big eyes

A story made by someone that goes by IROQUOIS. A story of the being of creation granting all animals their wishes one how they look like so they are happy as they enter the world. The owl got bratty and started bothering the god while he was making the bunny and so the god got mad and punished the owl by making him look nothin like how he wanted and the bunny ended up half done too. The two main charavtes that get a personality are the owl and the god. The owl is very cocky and self obsessed while the god seems he runs out of patience quickly and has some big anger issues. Seems like it takes olace in a sort of realm before youre alive that determines how all the animals will look like. And the time mustve been simply millions and millions of years ago when the snimals where being formed. Overall its an interesting story to answer one simple question wether its real or not we dont know its still just a myth.

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