Quotes 2nd part

The quotes we have expressed these past classes are all very insightful and good. They all have a similar theme of light and dark and even more specific they all have dark seen as a bad thing and light as the good. It makes sense i mean the dark in movies for example is usually considered bad like thats wherre the monsters that where all the things that could get you are and darkness is a common fear amongst children. But light is usually considered good as you can see everything and makes things clear. Ying and Yang, in every light there is dark and in every dark there is light. In every good there is evil and in every evil there is good, one cannot exist without the other and that is how we are balanced. I agrre tho especially with what some said as in one must first see the dark in order to find the light because a person can only learn from their problems and mistakes by facing them headon, that is how one pulls out on top and finds the light.

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